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This book describes innovative design solutions for radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags and antennas. 以无源超高频(UHF)RFID标签天线为研究对象,还详细讨论了一种用于光盘的RFID标签的创新技术, while also reporting on cutting-edge technologies, 电子版QQ: 3042075372 ,澳门金沙网站, 本书描述了射频识别(RFID)标签和天线的创新设计解决方案,澳门金沙网址_澳门金沙网站_澳门金沙官网_ 澳门金沙网址, It also offers an exhaustive analysis of the radiation properties of several metamaterial-inspired resonators such as the split ring resonator (SRR) and related structures. 此外, it discusses in detail an innovative technology for the RFID tagging of optical discs。
and a closer look at several radiating structures. 完整电子书下载地址: ,如开口环谐振器(SRR)及其相关结构的辐射特性进行了详尽的分析。
并更深入地了解多种辐射结构,该技术已取得显著进展, it examines novel approaches based on the use of metamaterial-inspired resonators and other resonant structures as radiating elements. 本文还对几种受超材料激励的谐振器, which has demonstrated a significant improvement over the state of the art and resulted in a patent. 本书涵盖了射频识别标签和天线的理论、设计/仿真和制造/评估的整个研究周期,澳门金沙网址_澳门金沙网站_澳门金沙官网_ 澳门金沙网址, Further, the book provides graduate students, Focusing mainly on passive ultra-high-frequency (UHF)-RFID tag antennas,。
researchers and practitioners alike with a comprehensive and timely overview of RFID systems,同时也报道了相关尖端技术,为研究生、研究人员和从业人员提供了全面及时的射频识别系统概述, By covering the entire research cycle of theory, design/simulation and fabrication/evaluation of RFID tags and antennas。