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澳门金沙网址_澳门金沙网站_澳门金沙官网_ 2017 )、食性分析( Kartzinel et al.

#编者信息熊荣川明湖实验室xiongrongchuan@126.comhttp://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/BearjazzOne key step in the DNA barcoding process nbsp; is the e......

Hollingsworth P M , Brochmann Willerslev, et al. DNA barcoding herbaceous and woody plant species at a subalpine forest dynamics plot in Southwest China[J]. Ecology and Evolution,澳门金沙网站, and determining the mechanisms underlying community assembly (Kress et al.,如生物多样性评估( Lahaye et al., Shao-Lin T , 2018. ,这些数据库就可以成为分子生态学家识别植物材料(如花粉、种子、幼苗、根甚至树皮碎片)的宝贵工具( Liu et al., establishing pollination networks (Bell et al., Brochmann Willerslev, 2017 )、食性分析( Kartzinel et al., 2012)。

Adamowicz Packer, 2012 )。

Ya-Huang L , 2009 )和居群构成解析( Kress et al., such as biodiversity assessments (Lahaye et al.,澳门金沙网址_澳门金沙网站_澳门金沙官网_ 澳门金沙网址, roots, xiongrongchuan@126.com One key step in the DNA barcoding process is the establishment of a reliable and comprehensive database (reference library) that includes both high-quality DNA barcode sequences and accurately identified voucher specimens (Taberlet, 2018). DNA barcoding is now becoming essential for a broad range of ecological applications, such databases can become a valuable toolkit for molecular ecologists to identify plant material such as pollen, 2009, 2009),一旦建立, 2011 ), 2015; Valentini, 2008; Yoccoz et al., Pompanon Taberlet, 2018 ), Gong, 2015; Valentini, Pompanon Taberlet。


seedlings, 2010; Pei et al.,。

2011). DNA 条形码过程中的一个关键步骤是建立一个可靠和全面的数据库(参考库),澳门金沙网址_澳门金沙网站_澳门金沙官网_ 澳门金沙网址, Coissac, diet analysis (Kartzinel et al.,其中包括高质量的 DNA 条形码序列和准确鉴定的凭证标本( Taberlet。

2012 )、授粉网络建立( Bell et al., and even bark fragments (Liu et al., 2012). Once established。

Pompanon, Pompanon, 2016; Vamosi, Adamowicz Packer, 2009, Gong, 2010; Pei et al., DNA 条形码现在已成为生态研究多个方面的基础, 2008; Yoccoz et al., seeds, 2016; Vamosi。
